Submission Guidelines



All are welcome
to submit

You do not need to have specific credentials or belong to a specific institution to be heard.

Topics may span areas of interest, but should address medical ethic quandary whether research, clinical, organizational, educational, narrative, social justice, pharmaceutical, regulatory, law, policy, and/or access.

Submissions should be relevant and timely to current events or issues.

We welcome the use of artistic expression and materials to accompany one’s submission.

Submissions that promote products, services, or affiliated institutions will not be accepted.

We seek succinct posts. Please limit to submissions to 1000 words or less, and include a title of no more than 150 characters.

All submissions must include a full name, relevant affiliation for each author, and a correspondence email. A word count must be included in your submission.

If you which to be recognized as a contributing author, please include a biographical sketch between 150-200 words. If selected, our editorial team will reach out to you.


  • Posts may be editorial, reflective, reactive, or prescriptive in nature.

  • Controversy and debate is encouraged; however, we will not tolerate a forum that includes derogatory engagement or promotes harm in any fashion. 

  • We reserve the discretion to not publish any submission that is deemed offensive or that violates Bioethics Alliances’ mission; this includes, but is not limited to, personal attacks, defamation, dishonesty, threats, and hateful language against any single individuals, entity, or institution.

  • Submissions must be original, written by the submitter, and free of plagiarism; authors may attribute to sources (unless they are facts or accepted truths) through hyperlinks or footnotes; full references should not be included. 

Review and

  • All submissions are reviewed by our editorial team within 1-2 weeks and submitting author will be notified of the editor's decision.

  • Authors of accepted work may be notified to revise their submission.

  • Bioethics Alliance may edit submissions to conform with guidelines and for grammatical and spelling purposes.

  • The author retains copyright to published material but grants Bioethics Alliance license and exclusivity for posting on its site.

  • Authors must notify Bioethics Alliance of simultaneous submissions and co-publications.

  • Sponsored submissions will not be accepted and authors are to disclose any conflict of interests at time of submission as well as update Bioethics Alliance of later developed conflicts of interest.